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Showing posts from November, 2010

Medical Marijuana Concentrates

Marijuana THC Concentrates Medical marijuana is not the only mind-altering medication in high demand at Colorado marijuana dispensaries, and it is nowhere near the strongest form of THC available at medical marijuana dispensaries in Colorado.  Nearly all Colorado medical marijuana dispensaries now carry medical marijuana concentrates.  Marijuana Concentrates exist in a variety of forms all of which can be found at Colorado medical marijuana dispensaries or cannabis clinics.  Remember though, that there is always room to improve medical marijuana concentrates which, in part, is why the quality and potency of medical marijuana and marijuana concentrates have increased so dramatically over the past century and continue to do so. Making potent medical marijuana concentrates can be a difficult procedure the first couple of attempts.  However, it does not many failed attempts to learn how to make medical marijuana concentrates and once the process for making a particu...

Ingrid Marijuana Strain Review

Ingrid Medical Marijuana Strain Review Ingrid Strain Review: Info Breakdown Overall Grade for Ingrid Strain: B Marijuana Strain Type: Indica Ingrid Strain Potency: Mid to High Potency cannabis Effects of Ingrid Strain Marijuana: Relaxing body high Ingrid Strain Smell/Taste: Pungent skunkish odor Growing Ingrid Medical Marijuana Plants: Easy to Intermediate Typical Flowering Time Ingrid Strain Marijuana Plants: 54 to 66 days  How to Best Grow Ingrid Strain Cannabis: Indoors; HPS lighting; hydroponic system or soil; starting with seeds or clones. Ingrid Strain Sample Obtained from: The Walking Raven Dispensary Ingrid Strain Review: Appearance/Texture Ingrid strain is a quality medical marijuana strain that is becoming increasingly popular among MMJ patients and recreational users of marijuana.  It is more dense and of a lighter tone green than most indica strains, or medical marijuana strains in general.  Ingred strain cannabis...

Grand Daddy Purple Strain (AKA Granddaddy Purps or GDP) Review

Review of  Grand Daddy Purple Marijuana Strain Grand Daddy Purple strain , also known as Granddaddy Purps or simple GDP is a popular marijuana strain at medical marijuana dispensaries, among MMJ patients, and recreational marijuana users.  Grand Daddy Purple strain marijuana is a potent indica cannabis variety.  Granddaddy Purple strain marijuana buds are dark green color, common of indica dominant strains, with a unique purple overtone and dark orange hairs. Granddaddy Purple strain marijuana normally has a very pungent odor and sticky texture.

The Kind Room - Denver, CO Dispensary Review

The Kind Room MMJ Dispensary The Kind Room is a Colorado medical marijuana dispensary located in a safe, secure location of Denver, CO.  The Kind Room medical marijuana dispensary or cannabis clinic provides Colorado MMJ patients with a friendly environment, compassionate staff that is knowledgeable on medical marijuana strains, medical qualities, growing and much more. The Kind Room medical marijuana dispensary or cannabis clinic has been in business for over 3 years, during which the variety and quality of their medical marijuana and other meds has only increased.  The Kind Room offers a variety of MMJ products and services to Colorado medical marijuana patients in and around the city of Denver, including over 30 unique local, indoor and organic cannabis strains, concentrates, marijuana clones for growing your own pot and normally offers special deals to new patients and issues coupons. Of the over 30 medical marijuana strains available at The Kind Room dispensar...

Clifton Colorado Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Clifton Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Clifton medical marijuana dispensaries are permitted by the city of Clifton, CO.  Medical marijuana or cannabis clinics in Clifton provide an array of medicated cannabis products and services to Colorado MMJ patients in and around the city of Clifton.  Currently there are few Colorado medical marijuana dispensaries in the small town of Clifton. MMJ Dispensaries in Clifton, Colorado Below you will find Clifton medical marijuana dispensaries: God's Gift 571 32 Rd. Clifton, CO 81504 View Larger Map Despite the small number of Colorado medical marijuana dispensaries in Clifton, MMJ patients that are residents of Clifton have relatively easy access to medical marijuana strains , edibles, concentrates and a variety or other MMJ products and services.

Sour Diesel Marijuana Strain Review + Information

Sour Diesel Medical Marijuana Sour Diesel is one of the most popular and powerful medical marijuana strains in the cannabis trade. Sour Diesel Strain marijuana is a member of the renowned Diesel cannabis strain variety. It is a powerful, nearly pure sativa strain that is relatively easy to grow. On a normal lighting cycle for growing marijuana indoors, Reservoir's Sour Diesel cannabis seeds flower later than many marijuana strains, normally in the 11th week after planting Sour Diesel strain marijuana seeds. Sour Diesel Strain Review Sour Diesel can be grown with success indoors or outdoors, however it is strongly recommended that Sour Diesel marijuana is grown indoors using a hydroponic growing system and proper ventilation. Sour Diesel strain marijuana is one of the strongest smelling buds that you will come across. From the time that Sour Diesel cannabis plants approach the flowering period, to when it is harvest and even bagged to sell, the Sour Diesel strain em...

Skunk Brands Skunkalicious Hemp Papers Reviews

Skunkalicious Rolling Papers Review Founded in 1995, Skunk Brands is one of the oldest brands of hemp rolling papers on the market.  Skunkalicious papers are manufactured in Spain using pure hemp.  Skunkalicious tobacco or marijuana rolling papers are simply delicious in nearly every way.  Skunk Brand Skunkalicious papers use all natural plant based gum, which makes each joint rolled with Skunkalicious papers slow burning and high quality (so long as the joint is rolled correctly). Skunkalicious I picked up a pack of Skunk Brands Skunkalicious rolling papers at The Herbal Center (THC) a Colorado medical marijuana dispensary that I visit regularly.  Truly, I'm very impressed with Skunkalicious rolling papers.  Not only are they quality, slow burning rolling papers made from pure hemp with the use of all natural plant based gum, but Skunkalicious papers by Skunk Brands have an excellent texture, firm to allow smokers to roll joints with ...

Bling Strain Marijuana Review + info

Bling Strain Review Just recently a caregiver at a good Denver medical marijuana dispensary, Colorado Alternative Medication , better known as CAM, turned me on to the Bling strain medical marijuana variety to sample.  Bling strain marijuana has only recently surfaced in the cannabis trade and medical marijuana industry.  While this new medical marijuana strain has just hit the marijuana market, it has hit the market hard.  Due, at least in part, to word of mouth spreading among MMJ patients, recreational marijuana users, cannabis caregivers, medical marijuana dispensaries and so on, the Bling strain marijuana variety has been spreading like wildfire, becoming more and more in the cannabis trade and medical marijuana industry. Bling Marijuana Strain Info Bling strain is a highly sought after marijuana type and one of the most popular and sough-after marijuana strains in the east cost cannabis trade.  Now, to the delight of MMJ patients everywhere, B...

Platinum OG Kush Medical Marijuana Strain Review

Platinum OG Kush Strain Review Platinum OG Kush strain is a cannabis variety that has earned a name for itself in the cannabis trade and medical marijuana industry. Platinum OG Kush is a popular cannabis strain among recreational marijuana users and MMJ patients alike.  It is a indica dominant hybrid that has a great high, stronger than that of a good number of Kush strains .  If you are a fan of the Kush strain cannabis varieties and looking for a Kush strain that kicks more than most, then you'll probably love the Platinum OG Kush strain. Platinum OG Kush Cannabis Plant

Hawaiian Diesel Medical Marijuana Strain Review

Hawaiian Diesel Strain Hawaiian Diesel Strain info Strain Grade: B Strain Type: Sativa dominant hybrid Potency: Mid to High Potency Smell/Taste: Strong Citrus Piny Scent / Pine Taste Growing Hawaiian Diesel: Intermediate Growing difficulty Flowering Time: 57 to 67 days Best Growing Conditions: Indoor, hydro system, seeds or clones Hawaiian Diesel Medical Marijuana Strain Hawaiian Diesel Strain Review Hawaiian Diesel Cannabis strain has only recently made it's appearance in the medical marijuana industry.  However, as word of mouth spreads Hawaiian Diesel is making a name for itself, becoming more and more popular, and as a result, available to medical marijuana patients at an increasing number of medical marijuana dispensaries or cannabis clinics.

Bio-Diesel Strain Medical Marijuana Strain Review

Bio-Diesel strain is a hybrid breed of cannabis available to MMJ patients at medical marijuana dispensaries or cannabis clinics in select US States. Bio-Diesel Strain Info: Type: 50/50 Indica/Sativa Hybrid Potency: Strong / High THC content Genetics: Sour Diesel x Sensi Star

Purple Passion Marijuana Strain Review

Purple Passion Strain Purple Passion Strain Information Purple Passion Strain Overall Grade: B Purple Passion Strain Cannabis Type: Indica Dominant Cannabis Purple Passion Strain THC Content: Normally 13% to 18% Purple Passion Marijuana Buzz: Relaxed full body high Purple Passion Strain Smell: Hash scent; semi-sweet Growing Purple Passion Marijuana: Easy Indoor/Outdoor Purple Passion Indoor Yield: High Purple Passion Outdoor Yield: High Purple Passion Medical Marijuana Sample: The Green Depot Purple Passion Strain Review Purple Passion is listed among the top medical marijuana strains in terms of quality, popularity, and demand.  You can find Purple Passion cannabis bud for sale at a good number of Colorado medical marijuana dispensaries, including The Green Depot, 420 Wellness, The Herbal Center (THC) of Denver, and many other cannabis clinics or medical marijuana dispensaries. Purple Passion Potency and Buzz Purple Passion...

Double Dutch Medical Marijuana Strain Review

Double Dutch Marijuana Strain Double Dutch Strain Info Double Dutch Strain Overall Grade: A - Double Dutch Marijuana Strain Type: Indica Dominant Double Dutch Marijuana THC Content: 15% to 19% Double Dutch Marijuana High: head high , then relaxing Double Dutch Marijuana Smell: Fruity, Flowery scent Double Dutch Strain Genetics/Lineage: Warlock male x Pre-2000 Chronic female Double Dutch Marijuana Plant Height: Medium  Double Dutch Marijuana Flowering Time: 55 to 65 Days Double Dutch Marijuana Outdoor Harvest: Mid October Double Dutch Strain Indoor Marijuana Yield: High Double Dutch Strain Outdoor Marijuana Yield: High Double Dutch Marijuana Seed Bank: Magus Genetics Double Dutch Marijuana Obtained from: The Green Depot Double Dutch Marijuana Strain Review  Double Dutch marijuana is a popular medical marijuana strain originally introduced at the High Times Cannabis Cup 2002 by renowned cannabis seed breeders, Magus Genetics. ...

Colorado Marijuana Dispensaries Map