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Showing posts from July, 2011

Colorado Medical Marijuana Legalization a Potential on 2012 Ballot

Potential of Marijuana Legalization on 2012 Ballot in Colorado According to CNN, Colorado would gain an additional $17.6 million in tax revenue if they made it completely legal to sell, grow and consume medical marijuana. Currently, it is legal in Colorado to use medical marijuana if you have a good reason and a prescription from the doctor. What about all the people who are using marijuana but don’t necessarily have these conditions. Well, technically speaking, given current laws governing the use marijuana in Colorado, these people are committing a crime because it is illegal in every U.S. state to purchase, buy, sell and use medical marijuana. Therefore, so many illegal activities are constantly taking place because people are still consuming marijuana without the government knowing it. It is actually a good thing if medical marijuana is legalized, and Colorado seems to be on the forefront of this thinking. In most states, medical marijuana is still illegal. However, in 20

Benefits of Head Shops and Dispensaries to our Economy

Some people scoff at the idea of marijuana head shops and dispensaries in their town. Little do they know that these businesses greatly benefit the economy, especially the local economy. Everyone knows the unemployment rate is higher than it’s been in the past—in fact it is currently at over 9.1% in the U.S. Head shops and dispensaries create extra jobs for Americans. More people having an income equates to more people spending their money somewhere, thus boosting the local economy. An increase in jobs leads to an overall boost to the economy. Since so many steps go into growing and selling the marijuana, additional dispensaries means even more jobs become available. Extra growers, caregivers, bud tenders and other dispensary workers are needed. A variety of methods are available for marijuana patients to consume medicinal marijuana, including rolling papers and blunt wraps, vaporizers, bubblers and bongs, metal pipes, glass pipes , and the list goes on.  Anyone over the age of 18 c

Laws becoming stricter for Colorado medical marijuana growers, buyers, sellers and patients

According to Denver CBS Channel 4, beginning July 1st, medical marijuana caregivers are required to register with the state and let the authorities know exactly where they are growing the plants.  This means that even those who are growing the marijuana for medical reasons for less than 5 patients will have to let the state authorities know their grow sites and which strands of marijuana they are growing. Now the smaller growers are going through similar regulations as the bigger dispensaries. Many Colorado marijuana growers have been growing in the area for years—it is important they recognize all of the rules and regulations that have been changed. It’s even important for their patients to understanding what their providers should be doing to abide by the rules. If caregivers, dispensaries or patients fall to abide by the laws in place, it might mean fines or other prosecution set by the Colorado state government. It is recommended that all Colorado MMJ patients and empl

Colorado Marijuana Dispensaries Map