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Showing posts from October, 2017

Pesticides That Can Be Used to Grow Marijuana in Colorado

Which Pesticides Can Be Used In Colorado Cannabis Production? The following is a list of pesticides that can be used on cannabis without being a violation of the Pesticide Applicators' Act in Colorado. Last updated 10/13/2017. Shane Rounce Pesticide product name Company name EPA Number Commercial production Home uses Non-food uses/hemp Pesticide Type Public Comments Date Added #1 Fungus Bully (concentrate) Srills LLC 25(b) Yes Yes Yes Fungicide 18-Sep-15 #1 Pest Bully Srills LLC 25(b) Yes Yes Yes Insecticide 18-Sep-15 420 Drench Bully Srills LLC 25(b) Yes Yes Yes Fungicide, Insecticide 12-Apr-16 420 Fungus Bully (concentrate) Srills LLC 25(b) Yes Yes Yes Fungicide 20-Aug-15 420 Pest Bully Concentrate Srills LLC 25(b) Yes Yes Yes Insecticide 20-Aug-15 420 Pest Bully Powder Srills LLC 25(b) Yes Yes Yes Insecticide 12-Apr-16 420 Pest Bully Ready-to-Use Srills LLC 25(b) Yes Yes Yes Insecticide 20-Aug-15 70% Neem Oil (Monterey) Lawn and Garden Products, Inc 7...

Colorado Marijuana Dispensaries Map