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Showing posts with the label colorado caregivers

Growing Your Own Medical Marijuana VS Signing a Dispensary as Caregiver

In Colorado, medical marijuana laws permit registered Colorado MMJ patients to grow a certain amount of marijuana to use for the medicinal benefits of the cannabis. This can save Colorado MMJ patients a huge amount of money on medical marijuana. Most Colorado MMJ patients opt to have a dispensary serve as their caregiver and, more or less, grow medicinal marijuana, make the extracts, marijuana edibles and other medicinal marijuana products for the patients. Growing good marijuana can be difficult and requires some space be allocated for growing, so for those with little time or without a suitable area to grow cannabis, signing a Colorado marijuana dispensary as a caregiver and buying medical marijuana from that dispensary at a discount is often a good way to go. For those who have the desire to save money on medical marijuana, amble time to learn how to grow cannabis properly, and a good space to make into a grow room, opting to grow your own marijuana to use for medicinal purpo

Colorado Marijuana Dispensaries Map