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Showing posts with the label Growing Marijuana

What's The Difference Between F1, F2, and F3 Weed Strain Seeds?

Just as with common flowers or other household plants (roses, pea plants, etc...), Cannabis seed strains can be grown and crossbred. This is usually done for the purpose of developing new breeds with different characteristics such as the size of the plant, yield, taste, effect, bud to leaf ratio, or other specific traits that the grower desires. As this cross breeding continues, the plants end up forming different weed strain seeds, or generations. These are often described as being either F1, F2, or F3. In order to really make some informed seed purchase decisions it is very helpful to understand the differences between these various seed strains. Photo by   Robert Nelson   on   Unsplash F1 Seeds: The First Breeding: An F1 seed variety is created by breeding together two pure strains. For example, a tall plant (represented with two dominant genes, AA) is bred with a small plant (represented by the two small recessive genes, aa). Since the resulting plants will each receive

How to Germinate Marijuana Seeds? Germinating Cannabis Seed

Germinating Marijuana Seeds Best Way to Germinate Marijuana Seeds There are several ways to germinate your seeds once you have them. The rockwool SBS propagation tray is the best way to germinate your seeds since it guarantees that almost all the seeds will sprout. This method is also the most expensive since you will need to purchase the equipment. Other Ways to Germinate Marijuana Seeds Other, cheaper ways, to germinate pot seeds include the seed soil propagation method. Germinating marijuana seeds using the seed soil propagation method involves placing the cannabis seed directly in the soil to germinate it. Another alternative to using the more expensive rockwool SBS propagation tray method to germinate marijuana seeds is for cannabis growers to use the seed towel propagation method.  Using the seed towel propagation method for germinating marijuana seeds, cannabis seeds are placed on wet paper towels to germinate. These methods although less expensive than the rockwool SBS pro

How to Grow Marijuana in Colorado

How to Grow Marijuana in Colorado Growing Marijuana in Colorado Under Colorado state law, medicinal marijuana patients can purchase or grow marijuana for their own personal use as long as they have a valid medical marijuana license, which they've obtained through a doctor’s prescription, or written consent. In general, state laws in Colorado, as one might expect, have in become more lenient to charges involving marijuana. For instance, the punishments for people without a medical marijuana card that are caught with minor amounts of weed and charged with possession has become less severe.  Although licensed marijuana users are permitted by law to grow their own marijuana (with limits) anyone who is not a patient could face a serious fine or imprisonment if they are caught without the proper licensing and charged with marijuana possession, cultivating marijuana, or selling it. How much weed can Colorado medical marijuana patients legally grow? What type of marijuana

How to Reduce Liability Growing Marijuana In Colorado

8 Tips for Reducing your liability when growing marijuana in Colorado Be cordial to neighbors and friends. Homes of marijuana growers in Colorado are usually raided when someone talks. Be cordial especially to your neighbors to reduce the chances of them turning you in. In fact do all you can to keep the fact that you are growing marijuana as private as possible. Use and grow marijuana for medical use only. By growing and selling marijuana to others for recreational purposes you will attract the attention of the authorities and increase your legal liability. In Colorado, discretion is vitally important in conducting a successful marijuana grow operation. Even though you are permitted to grow cannabis plants for medicinal purposes, this does not mean that you should flaunt it. Grow your weed plants indoors if you can, and try to keep them in an area that is not clearly visible. Use proper ventilation to avoid the strong scents associated with cultivating cannabis. Stay

How Many Cannabis Plants can Colorado Marijuana Patients Grow?

How Many Plants can Medical Marijuana Patients in Colorado Grow? Colorado law authorizes a patient who has been issued a Medical Marijuana Registry identification card or his/her primary caregiver to possess: A maximum of two ounces of usable marijuana. A maximum of six marijuana plants. Only three or less should be mature flowering plants producing a usable form of marijuana. Even with protections for medical patients under state law there still exists the possibility for prosecution of patients under federal law as evidenced by several documented cases in the state. The success rate of patients trying to avoid federal prosecution in the courts has been really high providing that patients use the guidelines listed below to reduce their criminal liabilities.

Top Denver Hydroponic Grow Shops and Organic Gardening Stores

Best Denver Hydroponics Grow Shops Hydroponic growers of medical marijuana in Denver, CO have no shortage of hydroponic grow shops or organic gardening stores to choose from when buying hydroponic grow systems or organic gardening supplies for growing medicinal marijuana. Even before marijuana was legalized in Colorado for medicinal use by those with a valid medical marijuana registry card, there were a good amount of hydro grow shops or organic gardening centers in Colorado. And even before marijuana was legalized in Colorado a significant amount of sales seen by Denver hydroponic grow shops and organic gardening stores could be attributed to equipment purchased to use for purposes of growing cannabis. Not surprisingly, the number of Denver hydroponic grow shops seen steady increases since the legalization of marijuana in Colorado. Caregivers, dispensaries, and MMJ patients that grow their own marijuana can buy just about everything needed to grow cannabis from Denver hy

357 Magnum LED Grow Lights Review

357 Magnum Led Grow Light Review | Where to Buy Magnum Led Grow Lights Many of those interested in Hydroponics, or growing plants without the use of soil, are now turning to LED, or light-emitting diode.  LED lights produce light when electricity currents pass through its circuit.  LED lighting lacks filament resulting in a more narrow and focused light. Because the light is powered by electricity, it is consistent and able to give plants the exact combination of positively charged electrons and photons, the equivalent to constant rays of outdoor sunlight.  In environments lacking natural sunlight, LED lights can act as a constant source of sun, allowing the indoor plants to receive the proper nutrients they need to grow. For those living in bigger cities that might not have the space for soil and plants, LED lighting provides an option that allows plants normally grown outside to be grown indoors or in smaller spaces with the same success. FIND TOP LED GROW LIGHT DEALS Wha

Where to Buy Marijuana Hydroponic Growing Supplies in Colorado

Finding a Colorado Marijuana Grow Equipment Supplier Previous articles discussed the potential benefits of Colorado medical marijuana patients growing their own cannabis to use for medicinal purposes.  The amount of marijuana a MMJ patient can grow for their own medicinal use varies by state.  In Colorado patients can grow up to 6 plants.  Hence, by growing your own marijuana, medical marijuana patients in Colorado can save a good deal of money on meds.  Not to mention, growing weed for your own medicinal use can be a rewarding hobby or pastime.  To grow good medical marijuana you need the all the right growing supplies and equipment.  These days most marijuana grown in Colorado is grown indoors using hydroponic grow systems. CLICK HERE FOR THE BEST DEALS ON ALL HYDOROPOINIC GROW SUPPLIES Where to get a complete hydro setups in Colorado? Complete hydroponic setups can carry a high price tag, however, overtime this cost is often offset by the savings achieved from growing y

Growing Your Own Medical Marijuana VS Signing a Dispensary as Caregiver

In Colorado, medical marijuana laws permit registered Colorado MMJ patients to grow a certain amount of marijuana to use for the medicinal benefits of the cannabis. This can save Colorado MMJ patients a huge amount of money on medical marijuana. Most Colorado MMJ patients opt to have a dispensary serve as their caregiver and, more or less, grow medicinal marijuana, make the extracts, marijuana edibles and other medicinal marijuana products for the patients. Growing good marijuana can be difficult and requires some space be allocated for growing, so for those with little time or without a suitable area to grow cannabis, signing a Colorado marijuana dispensary as a caregiver and buying medical marijuana from that dispensary at a discount is often a good way to go. For those who have the desire to save money on medical marijuana, amble time to learn how to grow cannabis properly, and a good space to make into a grow room, opting to grow your own marijuana to use for medicinal purpo

Colorado Marijuana Dispensaries Map